Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Gallimaufry

1. I have a pretty hat.  
The hat itself came from Goodwill, and manages to fit better than any of the hats I've run across at conventions.  I gave it a hatband of blue ribbon, pretty feathers, and the hands of a clock I dismantled at work under the rationale of "if I take this apart we can recycle the parts" but really because I wanted some of its innards.  Like its hands.  The smaller feathers and hands are wired onto a thick piece of black craft foam, and then a clip is wired to the back of the foam, allowing it to be clipped to the handband.

2. My nifty box for hauling nerf guns around in.
This also came from work.  It originally held some sort of transparency sheets for overhead projectors, and had been sitting in a closet for some length of time, probably a decade or two.  

 3. My top-hat wearing dragon.
I got this stuffed dragon years ago, and decided he needed a top hat.  He has a monocle, too, but that's only for formal occasions.  The hat is black felt.

I got more rings :)

Byz Bees is a fun Byzantine variant:

Half-Persian 4-1:

The Half-Persian weaves have distinct fronts and backs (top two are Half-Persian 4 in 1, bottom two are Half Persian Sheet 6-1, two rows and three rows of rings.


5. Tiny rings!

Not absurdly tiny.  These are bronze 22 gauge 1/8 inch inner diameter rings.  They make a beautiful full persian, although making that beautiful full persian takes a very long time. 

 Top is a half persian four-in-one bracelet of 18 gauge, 1/4 inch inner diameter rings.  Middle is a six inch ruler.  Bottom is the full persian with the 1/8 inch inner diameter bronze.